Friday, February 20, 2009

Staples are cool.

It's been awhile! Or maybe just a while since I've actually talked about something that was not Facebook or my really awful poetry :) but I'm back for a moment.
Just a moment.
It seems I'm in such a rush, that I'm not actually getting anywhere. & I'm trying to blog and get it over with, for a moment my mind actually said,"Leave it!" and I accidentally added a u to while. Leave it! Leave all the misspellings! Be damned with it! Argh. That's what my mind says, but I corrected about three already so far.
My curry chicken is on the stove. & I'm preboiling asparagus. Stinky pee, lol. (I preboil, then sear in a pan with butter. Mmmm. Worth the stinky pee, for sho!)
Shanna tells me, 'I'm not eating that.' She would prefer a sliced cucumber and some noodles. It's seems like you really have to work around people in the husband tells me he's off of wheat. That leads me to noticed the addition of wheat in everything.
"I've been off wheat for three days," he says. Later, he sneaks a preformed cookie dough wad in his mouth.
"Whatcha doing?" I say.
"Well, it's been a hard day," he says. I just love him so.
He snuck off to hike a trail this afternoon. I should've painted closet doors or primed something, but I didn't. Where is the anthropologie fairy to sprinkle majical vintage style when I need her?
(or him?)
As an aquarian, my tastes blow, and I guess I'm made aware on occasion.
We've not been making it to the UU meetings. I have to make a note to go in March. I miss seeing real normal people.
My 6 year old has a new obsession. Staples. Okay, get it over with! I'm terrible. I shouldn't turn a child loose with a stapler. But she's a craftly little thing, and she's made some incredible things with it! (Of course she can run through about 100 staples a day. But it's for arts sake.)
She's made a giant mask, several watches, a box, rings, hats, crowns. pop-up cards with little dogs with wagging tongues and tails. She likes to cut paper in wee tiny pieces of paper, then staple them back together.
I let her.
Because staples are cool.
(But not in peoples faces, so I hope she doesn't grow into one of those teenagers that has odd metal gadgetry all through their lips and brows. But if she does it, we'll be cool with it. So cool, maybe she won't even think its cool.)
I smell coffee~
so bye & I hope everyone has a cool day. or warm day. whatever you like ;)
yours truly

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